Kamini Stam

About me I always had a passion for movement. As a kid I was always outside, exploring my boundaries; climbing, dancing, moving! I took a break of my studies in psychology to travel to India in 1997, where I learned and practiced different methods of bodywork. I started to notice how every psychological issue also manifests physically. This made me realize that the mind can find healing through the axis of the body. I have worked with body and movement since 1998, first as a massage therapist (check: www.relaxtogo.nl) and since 2008 also as a yoga teacher. I have had the privilege to study with various renowned teachers around the globe. Each one of them helped me deepen my understanding of the human body, thus clarifying the interaction between body and mind. I am passionate about alignment. In my classes you will learn to adapt various yoga postures to the needs of your body, working on an optimal balance between flexibility and strength to move towards freedom within your physical structure. Pregnancy and childbirth are highly transformative moments in your life. May it be a wonderful, positive and empowering experience for all of you! I am very happy to contribute. Be welcome! Love, Kamini




Reacties op 'Kamini Stam'

Klara Johansen
It is very important that you are in balance with your desires


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