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Moom Social Club
Meet, play & have fun. Welcome! Playdates are a fun and entertaining way to keep the kids busy while parents chit chatting, share ideas and tips. Our playdates are for itty bitty’s to kids 6yo. Art, crafts, organic food, coffee, drinks and good company are the essential elements for our successful playdates. We look forward to seeing you and your littles! See more at:

Moom Social Club
Meet, play & have fun. Welcome! Playdates are a fun and entertaining way to keep the kids busy while parents chit chatting, share ideas and tips. Our playdates are for itty bitty’s to kids 6yo. Art, crafts, organic food, coffee, drinks and good company are the essential elements for our successful playdates. We look forward to seeing you and your littles! See more at:


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